The International Society for Extremophiles (ISE)


Membership Benefits

Consider joining and become a member of the International Society for Extremophiles The International Society for Extremophiles (ISE) welcomes scientists from all over the world to join the club and to actively support the aims of the society. Membership will be rewarded by a number of benefits which include:

  • Providing platforms for interaction among scientists who dedicate their research to the investigation of extremophilic microorganisms and their enzymes for basic and applied research
  • Creating benefits for the ISE members for participation in the biennial Extremophiles Conferences
  • Support for the local organizers of the biennial Extremophiles Conferences
  • Scholarships and travel grants for young scientists

Membership fees January 1 - December 31 (annual)

ISE ordinary membership: 4,000 JPY*

ISE student membership: 2,000 JPY**

*Please note that registration fees will be charged in Japanese yen. (1 USD = approx. 110 JPY)
**Please provide a valid student card or statement from your supervisor.

Online Registration

We accept your applications only online.
To apply for ISE membership, please complete the online application form and pay your membership fee through our online payment system.

Join ISE